Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Writing Wednesday -- The Joy of Revising

Have you ever thought of a snappy comeback you wish you'd made to someone who annoyed you ... only you think of it an hour, a day, or a week later?

Well, that's one of the reasons I love to write. I can take that rather lame, "Yeah? Well, you too!" reply and turn it into something poetic in its pointed intensity, or hard hitting and clever, or dripping with sarcasm. And I don't have to worry about the bully hitting me in the nose!

A writer can have a character say whatever they want. Can test out this or that until it's just right. There's no time limit. You are in charge. All you have to do is go back to the page in question and fix it.

Ahh to revise! What joy! Too bad we can't do that in real life.


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