Friday, August 24, 2007

Is it Friday already?

Have you ever wondered how we ladies manage to keep all the parts of our lives moving along in some semblance of order? It’s called multi-tasking in some parts of the world. I call it keeping the chaos organized…or not.
Take today, Friday, for instance. I have galleys to get into Harlequin by next week for Heart of My Heart, my first Everlasting Love book, a house full of company, groceries to buy, an attention seeking assistant, Emma Jean, also known as my Maine coon cat. Then there’s the usual emails, the phone calls, the drop in and drop off traffic, and the people who depend on me to help them with their lives.
Approaching the bottom of the list these days--I’m sad to say--is my husband.
He’s been in my life for years, and he’s a very patient man. Believe me.
So, the weekend’s coming and what part of it will we manage to carve out for just the two of us?
What sort of fun things can we do this weekend that will break the pattern of rush and scramble that is the hallmark of our joint lives these days?
When I finally found five spare minutes to myself last Monday, before the chaos took over for the week, I thought about it. And here’s my list of fun things I want to do with my hubby this weekend.
On Saturday we’re going to take the phone off the hook, hunker down with the coffee pot and the long-awaited New York Times--last Sunday’s edition, mind you. But I can’t complain, I have books on my ‘To read list’ that are older than my cat! On Sunday we’re going to escape on a boat to go whale watching in the Bay of Fundy. No cell phones, no computer, no fax machine…
And there’s this perfect little B&B nestled along the edge of the ocean, a delectable overnight adventure. It has a hot tub, and we've had the bubbly stashed in the cabinet, waiting for a chance like this.


Deborah Hale said...

Hope you and your hubby are able to get some quality couple time this weekend, Stella. Summer is my busiest time of year. I'll be glad to see September! :)

Looking forward to Heart of My Heart. My hubby has been told I want a copy for Valentine's Day!


Stella MacLean said...

Dear Deb.
Thanks so much. Yes, summer is busy, but this one is the busiest for me in a long time.

Unknown said...

It sounds like the perfect weekend. Hope you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a perfectly romantic weekend. Enjoy!! :-)

Merri said...

What kinds of things to make crazy lives a little calmer? Lie down on the floor next to a beloved pet and spend the kind of time stroking it and just being with it and doing nothing like one did as a kid. Anything to do with smells. Read your favorite short childhood book. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and remember your grandparents or some other favorite family member from your childhood. And of course, since this is the Everlasting Love blog, the best answer (even with company visiting) is to go into the bathroom, lock the door, sink into a nice bath with a copy of the latest Everlasting Love and read.