Monday, December 24, 2007

A few thoughts for the Holiday Season.

It's Christmas Eve, one of my favorite times of the year, and I'm putting the finishing touches on a Christmas ham to take to my daughter-in-laws, and a broccoli salad, chicken bone candies, dulse, oranges, all things we had for the Christmas season when I was a child. I'd like to wish all the Everlasting Authors and those who read this blog the very happiest of seasons and a wonderful New Year.
Stella MacLean

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Great Exercise

I just returned from an office holiday party – nothing fancy, just a lot of good food, good will and lots of laughter. I’ll miss this place in the new year when my day job disappears and my writing takes over on a full-time basis.

2008 is coming. Another new year when anything can happen. A year for new beginnings if we so choose. A year for new ideas. And another opportunity to embrace the blessings in our lives and simply take time to appreciate them.

On the bulletin board in front of my desk is a sunshiny picture of a dad holding hands with his two young daughters as they jump into a mountain lake. The caption reads, “Jumping for joy is good exercise.” Looking at that picture makes me smile every single time.

I wish you new beginnings if you want them, continued blessings to embrace, all the joy you can hold whether you jump into a mountain lake or not, and an everlasting number of wonderful stories to read.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I thought talking about memories would be appropriate to the season and to the stories all of us write for Everlasting Love. Stories are so often sparked by remembering something good that happened in life, or something that wasn't so good. Happenings that make a person or a couple learn and stretch and grow. The holiday season is the best time for bringing out happy traditions. Fun, laughter, food that only gets cooked once a year. Since we're really getting down to the wire toward Christmas, and those who celebrate Hanukkah are already busy with their traditions, I wish the best of everything for all of the Everlasting authors and our readers. I hope the New Year brings another batch of great stories based on memories reaching back into our pasts or those of the characters we create.
Make the most of every day, and take care to savor the memory making moments as they come. Blessings to one and all,

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Stella wrote about snow last week and when I decided to write for today, I realized I had to bring up the same subject. We had our first winter storm this weekend. Last year, our area in the Midwest was out of power for several weeks in some areas. We were more fortunate. . . our part of the neighborhood has underground power cables. We lost our cable system -- and Internet connection -- but we stayed warm. Friends came over a couple times to use showers and eat dinner with regular lights instead of candles and various camping lanterns.

Once I have my family home safe, I love the days when life has to stop for Mother Nature. At least once a season, everything around here shuts down for a day or two. No one goes to school. Most of the stores are in minimum employee mode (last year, our shopping mall shut down for part of the time -- no electricity and the parking lots were too dangerous). We have a chance to slow down and pay attention to what's around us.

Since this is our day for writing about love, I thought I'd also borrow a page from Stella's comments. My husband went outside to trim some branches that are heavy with ice and hanging over the road. Dangerous for the few people who have ventured out. He rearranged the garage so that my car could come inside for the duration of the storm. We'll share some cooking time in the kitchen and no one will complain about sitting down together to eat, since what else is there to do? My teenage son asked me to play a game with him last night. Later, we'll make a fire and probably watch a movie together or play another game.

I always think of how these days can be blessings in disguise. Small moments that are treasured because they don't come very often. Nora Roberts credits a snowstorm -- trapped inside with two small boys -- for her start in romance writing. How lucky for all of us romance readers and writers! Who knows what new love stories will appear after this winter season?

Friday, December 7, 2007

One of life's lovely moments.

Today is what we on this blog call "Fun Friday". And my fun this week is a trip to Kalamazoo, Michigan to see my granddaughter, Estela.
At 28 months of age, Estela subscribes to the "parrot" philosophy, and so repeats every word she hears. My daughter and her hubby have had to censor some of their own words and off-the-cuff remarks in recognition of this new philosophy.
But the other day, Estela dropped her parrot philosophy to announce that for Christmas she wants a tail.
Yeah, her house is home to two very pleasant cats who have beautiful tails, and Estela wants one just like the ones they have. Children have such beautiful, uncluttered minds, don't they?
But what do I do with a request like that? I've been checking out all the craft shops and costume places, but any tails I found came with full size adult costumes!
Her mother has given up on the issue, and like all parents who feel that the Christmas wish can't be met, she's trying to steer Estela into other areas of possible gifts.
As grandmother to this wonderful little girl, Job 1 when I get to Kalamazoo is to continue the search for a tail.
I'll be back here in about two weeks time, and give you an update.
Stella MacLean

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Snow, snow, and more snow.

Yesterday was my day to post a message and the theme was the magic of love. But mother nature decided to prove just what a tough task mistress she can be. She announced yesterday that winter is officially here by snowing for twelve hours, and the weather man predicts it will snow most of today.
What's magical about it? Blizzards have their own special magic, especially if you make it to the grocery store BEFORE the snow starts. What's love got to do with a blizzard?
Well, first of all, my hubby did all the cleaning of the snow off the vehicles, and drove me to the local print shop to get my ARCS printed. It's only 6AM here, but he will spend a good chunk of the day taking snow off the walks and the deck. Weather like this always makes him want to cook something. He'll make biscuits, and cook dinner.
I think I'll fire up the bread maker, make spaghetti sauce, and do a whole lot of Christmas wrapping. And yes, a day like today is perfect for writing.
For those of you who have never been tucked away in your house during a blizzard, you are really missing something special. EVERYTHING is white, the ground looks like a huge white sea, and the air is alive with whirling snow.
When this white deluge is over, all our neighbors will be out clearing snow. I can hear snowmobiles outside my house already. In this kind of weather, four wheel drive vehicles and ploughs travel together to get essential personel into hospitals and fire departments. There are snow routes through the city that are kept open.
There is a mountain of snow on our front lawn. I have a sneaking suspicion that our power is about to fail, so I'll stop for now.
Stella MacLean