Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I thought talking about memories would be appropriate to the season and to the stories all of us write for Everlasting Love. Stories are so often sparked by remembering something good that happened in life, or something that wasn't so good. Happenings that make a person or a couple learn and stretch and grow. The holiday season is the best time for bringing out happy traditions. Fun, laughter, food that only gets cooked once a year. Since we're really getting down to the wire toward Christmas, and those who celebrate Hanukkah are already busy with their traditions, I wish the best of everything for all of the Everlasting authors and our readers. I hope the New Year brings another batch of great stories based on memories reaching back into our pasts or those of the characters we create.
Make the most of every day, and take care to savor the memory making moments as they come. Blessings to one and all,


Anonymous said...

Beautiful sentiments, Roz. This is a special time of year to reflect on what we've been given in life, good and bad, and making the best of it all.

As a funny coincidence, I blogged about gratitude today. LOL.



Linda Barrett said...

And blessing back to you, Roz. I like holidays because everyone focuses on family and friends. Having an excuse to get together is the bonus of the big season. On New Year's Eve, I've got about 20 or so coming to the house - AFTER we have dinner at a nice restaurant. We're set up to play games, have dessert, and toast the new year. Of course, we'll have the tv on to watch the ball drop in Times Square.

Like you and our wonderful readers, I'm looking forward to more stories from authors' memory banks and imagination. Isn't it unreal how we can make friends through books?

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy new year.


Anonymous said...

Since reading your message, Roz, I've spent some time while doing things towards Christmas thinking of good memories and here's one I'd like to share with you. Five years ago our first grandson was four months old and one of his presents was a wooden toy. A little yellow duck that would waddle down an angled track when someone gave it a little push. It made a clattering sound. He was entranced by it and once it reached the bottom, he'd look around with what I called his "soft" smile that lit up his eyes and he waited for the next person to repeat the fun for him. This is all on a video tape and it's really fun to watch him and more so to watch his parents,grandparents and aunt and uncle with their sappy grins, jump up to obey that smile. After all there hadn't been a baby in our family for over thirty years. Best wishes to everybody in this blessed season, whichever holiday you're celebrating.