Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Snow, snow, and more snow.

Yesterday was my day to post a message and the theme was the magic of love. But mother nature decided to prove just what a tough task mistress she can be. She announced yesterday that winter is officially here by snowing for twelve hours, and the weather man predicts it will snow most of today.
What's magical about it? Blizzards have their own special magic, especially if you make it to the grocery store BEFORE the snow starts. What's love got to do with a blizzard?
Well, first of all, my hubby did all the cleaning of the snow off the vehicles, and drove me to the local print shop to get my ARCS printed. It's only 6AM here, but he will spend a good chunk of the day taking snow off the walks and the deck. Weather like this always makes him want to cook something. He'll make biscuits, and cook dinner.
I think I'll fire up the bread maker, make spaghetti sauce, and do a whole lot of Christmas wrapping. And yes, a day like today is perfect for writing.
For those of you who have never been tucked away in your house during a blizzard, you are really missing something special. EVERYTHING is white, the ground looks like a huge white sea, and the air is alive with whirling snow.
When this white deluge is over, all our neighbors will be out clearing snow. I can hear snowmobiles outside my house already. In this kind of weather, four wheel drive vehicles and ploughs travel together to get essential personel into hospitals and fire departments. There are snow routes through the city that are kept open.
There is a mountain of snow on our front lawn. I have a sneaking suspicion that our power is about to fail, so I'll stop for now.
Stella MacLean


Anne said...

Stella, whereever you live in Canada you sure had more snow than we did in southern Ontario, near the head of Lake Ontario. We woke up to six inches on Sunday followed by rising temps and dense fog, freezing rain and finally rain by the time the day ended. But the ski resorts in the north are open and everyone's happy. I loved the winter weather we had in the 70's and 80's when it really was winter by late November. These days I must admit I'm glad we finally bought a generator so that we have lights and water from the well plus a few plugs for the coffee pot and microwave when the hydro goes off. I love the changing of seasons here and can never understand why people say they hate November and February. The colours of winter can be so subtle and in Feb. the days are getting so much longer.

Stella MacLean said...

Dear Anne,
I love the changing seasons as well. I especially like the fall when the days are warm and the nights are cool.
I live in the Maritimes, and our snow storm lasted about twenty-four hours!
But last evening when the snow stopped, it was a winter wonderland.

Stella MacLean said...

Dear Anne,
I love the changing seasons as well. I especially like the fall when the days are warm and the nights are cool.
I live in the Maritimes, and our snow storm lasted about twenty-four hours!
But last evening when the snow stopped, it was a winter wonderland.