Monday, August 20, 2007

A bit about Roz

It's Monday morning here in Tucson. The Everlasting writers are going to tell our bloggers a snippet about our individual love lives. So here goes mine.
I met my husband when one of his sisters, with whom I worked, decided she wanted to break up a romance between him and someone the sisters didn't like. Denny was due home on leave from the Marine Corp to attend this sister's wedding.
What neither of his two sisters banked on was that he and I would hit it off and within a week decide we were going to get married, too. Which we did the following month.
I'd grown up in a small town where everyone knew everyone forever. My friends went to my parents and said "you have to stop her from marrying this stranger". They also said it would never last. Denny and I, at each anniversary, laugh about that, as truly the majority of the doubters have been married several times each while we're still marching along together.
His sisters, though, have both since decided he made the best choice and we're all good friends.
I hesitate to tell how long this marriage has lasted---so I won't.
I got into writing romance stories because I love the concept of Everlasting Love. It can't always happen for everyone, but it's a lovely concept.
Happy Monday everyone.


Tracy Deebs said...

Hey Roz--

Nothing quite love at first sight. I'll wait to tell my story, but suffice it to say, it was just as quick . . . And we've been going strong for eleven years now.

Anonymous said...

Roz, although I already know this about you and Denny, I always love hearing it again. But what you've never revealed is how, exactly, you "broke up" this relationship. Inquiring minds want more details on your technique!

Anyway, you're the perfect person to be writing for Everlasting, and I loved A SECRET TO TELL YOU.


Tessa McDermid said...

Thanks for sharing, Roz. I have to admit, I'm curious, too, about how the other relationship was ended. A plot line someday :)?