Saturday, August 18, 2007

The examined life...and love.

Along with the other "Lovelies," I'm truly happy and proud to be a part of Harlequin's new "Everasting Love" series. The kind of love that is deep enough and stong enough to survive through years of NORMAL wear and tear is well worth examining. The kind of love that manages to withstand heart wrenching loss or tragedy is even more remarkable. Why is it that some relationships are able to endure the test of time and heartbreak, while others cannot? The books of the "Everlasting Love" series try to answer this difficult and ancient question by chronicling the vastly different lives of couples who have at least one thing in common. Through good years and bad, and through happiness and sorrow, their love has somehow been able to survive and even grow stronger.

My own book, "The Secret Dreams of Emily Porter" will join Holly Jacobs' "The House on Briar Hill Road" as the new Everlasting Love selections for October. Each book in the series (And I've read every single one of them!) has contained beautiful and important messages about courage and survival...and everlasting love. I can only hope that my own book (my first) will be as moving and honest as these have been.

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