Monday, October 15, 2007

Magical Mondays

There's nothing like going to a wedding to recapture the wonder and magic of love at the dawn of a relationship. The joy and excitement of the happy couple as they exchange vows before family and friends in anticipation of all the years to come. Their certainty that their love can withstand anything.

What I find especially encouraging, though, are the number of couples I've met recently who fifty-and even sixty-plus years later are still just as in love--if not more so--than they were when they made their vows. They still hold hands, they still exchange loving looks, they're sensitive to each other's needs. They've come through all the difficulties and proved their early certainty right.

It wasn't easy. They would undoubtedly be the first to say that. But they'd also be the first to say it was well worth all the effort.

Everlasting Love. It happens.



Roz Denny Fox said...

As someone married a long time I can attest that it is work. Working together and keeping the magic alive. I don't want to imagine life without my true love. That happened recently to a friend. She's having a terrible time. I wish for everyone a long and happy lifetime with their partner.
Blessings, Roz

Linda Barrett said...

Everlasting love really does happen and I'm one of those who's living it. In fact, I wouldn't be writing for this line if I didn't believe in it. I agree with Roz, however, that a relationship is work sometimes. Neither my dh or I is a doormat! But our mutual respect never wavers. During the course of many years good things and bad things happen. That's just life. And you pull together or you don't. In general, I'd say that when the good outweighs the bad in a relationship, it's worth fighting for. My heart goes out to Roz's friend.
Take care, Linda