Friday, October 19, 2007

Love Is In The Air and Everywhere

Friday blogs are set aside by the Everlasting Love authors to talk about love and romance.
We write a lot about it, but is love being overshadowed by too many hardships and worries that abound in today's world?
I look around and I see people rushing everywhere. As you sit at stoplights people are on cell phones, frowns on their faces. Or they're tapping their fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. I look at them and wonder---did they kiss a spouse or their child goodbye before they started out for whatever was making them frown so.
I've heard in general that while paperback romance sales are still the highest of any genre in the bookstores, that overall sales have dropped. And the genre is being broken into many sub genres. As I look over the shelves of books I wonder if people are looking for other elements in books because they're unsure love still exists.
That's why I think the stories in Everlasting Love are so great. They show enduring love. They show that in spite of ups and downs, stresses and hardship, that people come out better if they have a partner to lean on and to love. I hope we aren't getting too preoccupied and too frenzied and overwhelmed by life and all that swirls around us in uncertain times to stop believing in love. I'd be interested to know what fellow writers and of most of all readers who still reach for a warm, satisfying love story think--


Pamela Tracy said...

I just said this to a friend the other day, "I thought when I got older, I'd have more time..." Gasp! Have I just admitted that I'm getting older. The number of books I buy has dropped off considerably. Why? Well, if I took my TBRC (to be read closet) and started reading a book a die... I would still have a pile if I died at the age of 103. I 'know' love still exists :) Roz, you rock!

Carrie Weaver said...

Like Pamela, I tend to put off things until "I have more time." Including hobbies and seeing people important to me. But in the past couple years, I've realized that the day may never come when I have more time, so I've gotten better about making time for my friends and family. And Roz, I sure hope we haven't given up on love! That's what really makes the world go round and I'm so happy to be able to supply that through my books. And you're right, one of the great things about the Everlasting books is the view into longlasting relationships. I had to set aside Roz's A SECRET TO TELL YOU to tend to some family stuff, but I'm looking forward to picking up where I left off and finding out about those letters!

Anonymous said...

Roz, as you know, I loved A SECRET TO TELL YOU, with its double love story. You told them both so well. Yes, the pace of life gets faster every day, but one thing we have that's both a curse and a blessing is the Internet! Yes, it's full of jokes and strange things, but it's also full of love. Just today I got two special emails, one from a friend and one from my sister, and I could tell they were both sending love. I doubt either of them would have had the time and inclination to write a snail mail, but with the Internet, I got those messages right away, and I feel warmed by them.

Anne said...

What a great day for this topic, Roz. Today is my friends (and neighbours) 50th Wedding Anniversary. Everlasting love in good times and hard times lives just down the road from our house and we've been friends since they retired and move there 20 years ago. A great example for all their friends and neighbours!

Linda Warren said...

Hi Roz,
Times have certainly changed but I'm sincerely hoping everlasting love has not. The thing is people don't have time to read anymore and that's sad.
When people find out I'm a writer they ask what do I write about. I say I write about romance; one man, one woman, one love, forever.
They look at me a little skeptical and that's sad, too. That someone would believe that true love doesn't exist. But it does. I know that it does and I hope I get that point across when someone takes the time to read one of my books.
The Everlasting books showcase the truth of that so brilliantly.
Yes, love exists. We just have to take the time to believe.

Ginger Chambers said...

I've seen the frowns on people's faces as they rush from here to there too, Roz, and, like you, wonder about their lives. What really breaks my heart is when I see a parent out on a walk with a child and mom/dad are on the phone, totally disconnected from those precious moments with their little one.
It's so easy nowadays to focus on 'essentials' that truly aren't all that essential.
If our Everlasting books help persuade even a few of these people to pause and celebrate what they already have, then we've done a good thing.