Friday, October 26, 2007

It's the weekend again.

Friday afternoon is the best part of the work week for me. I love doing a little tidying around my desk and a little fixing up around my office. All in honor of disappearing from my workspace until Monday.
But, alas, it doesn't always work that way. Each Friday I promise myself I won't go into my office NO MATTER WHAT. No sirree. I'm going to go have a little fun.
And yet each weekend I can't resist checking in with whatever project I was working on when Friday afternoon rolled around.
And so it is this Friday. I have a proposal that has been taking my attention all day. I have a workshop idea that needs my time, and of course there's email....
But, I deserve this weekend with its spread of fall leaves...the wind blowing in the trees.
And the most beautiful harvest moon I could ever have imagined.
Stella MacLean


Anne said...

Stella, I saw that beautiful moon too, here in southern Ontario. On Thursday evening it rose in the clouds and this morning around 6:45am when I was doing that "lovely job" of putting out the garbage and recyclables as I walked up the driveway out here in the country, there it was just setting in what we call mackeral clouds. It was about an hour before sunrise. It really started my day well.


Linda Barrett said...

We're on opposite ends of our approach to the weekend. Because I work a day job during the week, I can't wait to go into my home office on the weekend and write, write, write! I never get to tidy it up because I don't want Sunday to end and usually just leave in the middle of a yawn. Soon, though, I'll be at home, too. I wonder how my life will change...
