Friday, October 12, 2007

Here comes the weekend.

I love Fridays, mostly because I can slow down the pace, and think about doing something different for a couple of days. So, what's on for this weekend? There's always shopping and groceries, and of course doing just enough housework to be able to get through the week.
This weekend is also great for working outside. Where I live the leaves are changing colors and beginning to slip earthward on even the slightest breeze. But there still isn't enough to warrant getting out the big rake and going at it. Just enough leaves to create abstract patterns on the lawn.
What's truly special about this weekend is that my husband and I are going to plan our very first trip to England. We've wanted to go for years, and we finally have the money set aside. I've never planned such a trip, and I'm really looking forward to it. If anyone has suggestions of places in England they've visited, or things they've done in England, I'd love to hear about them. Who knows, maybe there's story in this trip. Everlasting Love and England go together, don't they? With that in mind, I'm going to buy a journal.


Geri Krotow said...

Hi Stella--I haven't been to any place in England that I didn't love. Canterbury is a must-see.
This weekend I'm going to a knitting expo, to be gobsmacked by all kinds of colors and fibers. This helps fill my "well" so that I can put that much more creative energy into my writing.

Merri said...

Hope you have a great trip and bring back lots of stories.

Tessa McDermid said...

Oh, how wonderful, Stella! I student taught in England and now have the opportunity to send my son over for three weeks next summer. We're also thinking we might have a family wedding over there sometime in the future. A nephew is dating a gal from Wales. We so hope they stay together :)