Monday, September 24, 2007

Happily Ever After

It's Monday, so I'm supposed to talk about my love affair with my husband-- how we met and all that good stuff. So here goes.

I met him at a dinner party when I was in my first year of grad school. I had been dating another man pretty seriously at that point but the second I met the man who has now been my husband for eleven years, I was well and truly hooked. Thank God he felt the same way.

He asked me to marry him on our second date (four days after we met). I laughed at him and told him there was no way that was possible (after all I had fallen asleep on him at the midnight movie on our first date-- although, I guess it had to be love if he was willing to forgive that--LOL!) Anyway, though I turned him down originally, he asked me to marry him again one week later and this time-- even though my best friend and I had agreed it was nuts that he'd asked the first time and decided I would cool things off-- I said yes because I couldn't imagine a time when I wouldn't love him.

We were married two months later (I was just twenty and my parents were completely freaked out). I got pregnant on the honeymoon, had a baby nine months after we got married, and though we've had our share of ups and downs I've never looked back. Three kids and eleven years later, I love him more now than I ever did then and am so grateful that he stuck around despite our inauspicious beginnings. We've created a pretty good life for ourselves and our family and I've never once regretted saying yes when the whole world thought I should say no.


Tessa McDermid said...

Wow, Tracy! I didn't realize it was that much of a whirlwind. Sometimes you just know. Of course, if our own kids come to us with a story like that, hmmm, I have a feeling I will definitely be with your parents freaking out!

May you have many, many more years together.


Roz Denny Fox said...

I came on to see Ann's post as today is her day. But your love story interested me, as I, too, had a whirlwind romance that friends were certain couldn't last. In July we celebrated 48 years. Like you, the love has grown richer and deeper. So, I say to you, I wish you many, many more years together.

Tracy Deebs said...

Thanks, Roz. It's nice to see that whirlwind romances can work out for the long haul (although in today's day and age I'm pretty proud of our eleven and a half years :)

Allison Landa said...

Hey, your post made me smile! (Did I tell you our wedding scheme? If not, I'll email you with it.)

When you have a few minutes ... tag, you're it! Check out for details.