Friday, September 21, 2007

Fun Friday--Give Myself the Oxygen First!

Hello Everlasting Love readers! It's the day we all hold our breath for--Friday.

I try to keep things in perspective when I have a rough week. I'm not serving on the front lines of Iraq or Afghanistan, my family is healthy, I'm realizing a life-long dream by publishing the stories I love to tell.

It's still relative though, isn't it? With a pre-teen and teenager in the house, life is never dull, slow, nor boring. We have periods of peace, even serenity. When we're all asleep. No, not just then, but sometimes it feels that way.

I love my family. The root of it all is the marriage I've been blessed with for several decades. But it's not without work, nor without preening. Lately I've been tending to everyone else's part of the garden--making sure my dh has peace and quiet to study (he's taking very intensive courses for his career), ensuring that the kids are where they need to be, and picked up when they need to be (this is probably the most important part!).

Today is going to be a little weeding for me. Maybe a pedicure. Definitely some knitting. Leisurely shopping for a dinner party we're hosting tomorrow night. I love to bake, so I'm focused on a white chocolate cheesecake for the adults, and the chocolate mousse trifle Tracy Wolfe posted last month, for the kids. My kids enjoy baking and cooking as well, so they'll take care of the trifle.

I could opt to run around the house and clean, or fume over the state of my children's rooms, or spend most of the day studying my own courses. But instead I'm going to take care of the writing, then go take care of me. I used to think this was so self-serving. Now I KNOW that it's self-serving--and that it's a good thing.

Because if Momma Bear is happy, we're all happy!


Geri Krotow


Tracy Deebs said...

Isn't that the truth, Geri? My boys all know thta it's much better to keep mom happy than it is to deal with her when she isn't :)

White chocolate cheesecake sounds fantastic and hope the chocolate mousse trifle works out for you.

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