Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Rituals

I know this is supposed to be Writer's Wednesday, but as Thanksgiving is tomorrow I thought I'd deviate a little from the schedule. I've been cooking all day-- doing the baking, pre-cooking the sweet potatoes, making the stuffing, etc. so that tomorrow will be a fairly restful day and I can spend it with my family (watching football with the boys) and our guests (more of the same).

I have to admit, I haven't been near a computer all week-- at least not to write anything more in-depth than a couple of blog posts. But sometimes, I think what I've done this week-- clean, cook and ready the house for Thanksgiving-- is as important to my writing as sitting in front of the computer and pounding out the words. Because it's renewed me (except, of course, for the cleaning which just exhausted me) and reminded me how grateful I am for my family and friends and all the other wonderful things in my life.

I wish all of you a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving, filled with love and happiness. May each of you experience peace and happiness as this holiday season kicks off.


Stella MacLean said...

What a busy week! And I trust you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We all have so much to be thankful for in our lives.
All the best to everyone.
Stella MacLean

Linda Barrett said...

Lovely post, Tracy. Enjoy your boys! One of the things for which I'm thankful is that I'm able to write books. I still find that amazing and even in the midst of writing wonder where it's all coming from. So, Happy Thanksgiving to all as we head into a new year full of promise. I think that about every year!

Best wishes,
Linda B.