Friday, November 16, 2007

Fun Friday

Because of the rain beating into the ground and making a river out of our street, it's my turn to drive children to school this morning. As I wend my way back home through the traffic, I find myself wishing I could just take off and do something totally useless. Yeah...something that added nothing to my day, except an escape.
But I'm so well trained to "do" things, "look after" things, meet everyone's expectations of me, I stayed the course and came home.
So, I'm home, reading the Everlasting Blog, and thinking that maybe I should finish my blog and turn off my computer for today.
And then?
Then, I'd like to dig through all my old CD's and find some very venerable old friends and their music. That would include Frank Sinatra, the Beach Boys, and maybe a few tunes from the Rolling Stones. And of course, Eric Clapton.
While the music's playing, I'm going to dig out all those old photos I've kept boxed up through the years, and I'm going down memory lane with my family. And as soon as the stores open, I'm going to buy as many photo albums as I can carry and bring them home.
I love old pictures, remembering family reunions, and seeing just how peculiar my parents looked in their bulky, black-framed glasses. I treasure the old black and white shots of cousins peering shyly toward the camera, and the way so many of our family pets were captured in these shots.
Today, I'm going to be disciplined about having my down time, my fun time.
Today is for me.


Roz Denny Fox said...

We're supposed to get rain today. For two days we've had clouds and Mother Nature is teasing us.
You have chosen a great rainy-day project. You remind me of the rainy day projects I kept in my closet to bring out when my girls were little and it rained too hard for them to play outside. I'm the album maker/keeper in my family. If you have a fire going in a fireplace and hot chocolate I may join you. Have a great day and come out at the end with new stories.

Tracy Deebs said...


I hope your fun day worked out for you :) I've been catching up on my reading (after writing a 75,000 word book in seventeen days) and enjoying every second of it.