Monday, November 19, 2007

Magical Monday Even When it Rains

It's raining today and the cold cut right through my new polar fleece poncho as I ran my errands . The sky is a familiar steel grey, the color that lets me know winter is fast approaching. My gaze clings to each brightly painted leaf, especially the orange and yellow ones. They'll be mush on the ground in a matter of days.

October is my favorite month of the year, due to the autumn and riot of colors. I love a crisp, cold day, and an excuse to heat up the kitchen with the oven in order to bake something delicious. November is a close second, as it's still fall and there's Thanksgiving and all the preparing that entails.

But also with November comes the reminder that all good things end. Fall is ending, the days end early, and I'm reminded that my time anywhere, be it a duty station or even here on earth, is finite. This makes it doubly important that I chose whom to spend my time with and how to spend my time, each and everyday.

This parlays into my writing. I chose to write fiction, and romance fiction, that gives me and my reader not just a HEA (Happily Ever After) but explores the how's and why's and why not's of a life-long love.

Because that's what I'm doing each day, in my own life. How about you?

Happy, Joyous Thanksgiving to all of you!

1 comment:

Stella MacLean said...

I love all the seasons, but fall holds a special appeal because it's so full of gold, orange and rust colors against a background of blue sky that seems so much bluer by contrast.
And your point about whom to spend time with, is so important. The old expression, "you're known by the company you keep", is especially true in our writing. We write about the kind of people we'd like to keep company with--caring, committed and loving people.
All the best on this Thanksgiving Holiday.