Friday, November 2, 2007

A Sporting Romance?

I'm in pretty good shape. I'm healthy. I'm competitive. And I don't stand a chance against my husband in any sport known to animal or man. A number of years ago, I wanted to put aside time for "play" to balance all the time we spend at our jobs or doing housework or yardwork. It was time to break up the everyday routines of work, work, work.

I suggested tennis. There were courts near our house open to the public. "Free" sounded good. We wouldn't keep score, just have some rallies, develop our skills and have fun. Forgeddaboutit!
He couldn't hit softly, and I could barely return a ball. He t-r-i-e-d to hit hit softly but it was impossible for him to keep to that level. I guess I should add that he outweighs me by about 70 pounds and love sports - playing, not watching. He was so delighted about the idea of playing tennis together, he had an extra spring in his step - which he used at the court to dance circles around me. After ten mintues, I was beet red with legs that felt like rubber. He was scratching his head. So much for being in shape.

I suggested ballroom dancing. No big muscles required. We'd take some lessons and be equal partners totally in sync with each other. Watching the look of horror grow on his face, I kissed my version of Dancing with the Stars goodbye. Dancing with the Barretts simply was not going to happen.

Next, we bought roller blades - with knee pads and wrist pads - for skating on the 4 mile path in the nearby county park. He got twice the mileage for his money. As a good husband, he felt the need to check up on me - often - after he left me in the dust.

Finally, I hit on the magic answer. Join a gym. Despite the previous failures, I still wanted us to engage in a physical activity that kept the joints moving and the heart beating...okay, an activity in addition to the one that's crossed your mind just now :) At a gym, we could work at our own pace, using our individual weights and machines. So we joined a gym and now, years later, we're still pushing, pulling and hoisting metal with some aerobic excercise thrown in.

We're both happy, but I can't figure out what all this proves. Is it that couples who sweat together stay together? Or does credit go to the regular ten-minute car rides back-and-forth where there are no outside interruptions? When we leave the hosue for the gym, we also leave the telelvision well as the phone and the computer and the dishes in the sink. And for ten minutes, we are in the moment with each other. I like that. I like it very much. But...if he also suggested a dance lesson, I wouldn't say no.

Dancing is something that Charlie Shapiro, in my current book, THE SOLDIER AND THE ROSE, does with his wife regularly. He can also carry a tune. I guess if I can't get it in real life, I gift these talents on the heroes I create. November is the month to remember our soldier-heroes, the month celebrating Veterans Day. Both Geri Krotow's book, A RENDEZVOUS TO REMEMBER, and my book do just that. I hope you'll give them a try as once again we pray for peace in our world.



Roz Denny Fox said...

Love your topic. Why? In our household it was my dh who always wanted us to join in "family sports." So when the kids were younger, we roller skated, swam, rode bikes, jogged, played volleyball, and the list went on and on. Now with the kids gone our sport together consists of remodeling the house and trying to get our bodies out of bed to walk each morning. Mostly it's me who pulls the covers over my head and says--oh no, not today.
I can't wait to get both of the new Everlasting books. I support the military and their families with all that I can spare to give. I think we all need to be concerned with the sad plight of our brave veterans.

Linda Barrett said...

Roz -

When my boys were younger, I spent thirteen straight years in the Little League bleachers. Believe me, I'd rather have been playing! I never told the kids, but I always brought a book with me. I think the other parents knew because I never could remember their names! Oh, I was bad that way. I agree about our vets of course. I've worked with some in the homeless agency - they're on disability and it's easy to see why.

Stella MacLean said...

I wonder if the couple that exercises together stays together? My hubby had a spike in his blood pressure and the doctor has given him the order to walk and to lose 20 pounds. For a man who thinks that exercise was invented so women could buy more clothes (only partly kidding), the thought of going out for a walk was not good news.
But I have to say, he's working at it, and we're having fun getting out together on the walking trails in our neighborhood.