Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wishing and hoping.

Morning one and all,
I've been madly arranging for a little publicity for my first Everlasting Love book, Heart of My Heart, set to be released in April, 2008. I'm a neophyte when it comes to these things, and so the road to promotion has had a very specific set of bumps. Romantic Times have been great in helping me set up a New Author Spotlight ad, now all I need is my cover. The minute I have that final proof (ie. the cover) that there really is a book of mine out there, I'm going to put the cover here on this blog.
Then, there's all the review things and creating pdf files of my book and the list goes on. Then, I worry that no one will notice one way or the other.
Ah, the insecurities of being an author. Where does it end?


Geri Krotow said...

Hi Stella--
It doesn't end, but neither does the joy and hope that reading one of your stories will bring to a reader. Enjoy and savor this special time in your life and writing life. Geri

sushilsingh said...

I love the way we finish each other's sentences.I love the way I know you'll never

give up on me.I love the fact that I wouldn't ever give up on you.I love the way you

look at me.I love how beautiful your eyes are.I love the way I can't imagine a day

without you in my life.I love the way if we were ever separated I wouldn't know

how to go on.
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