Friday, November 23, 2007

Fun Friday

Something fun for this Friday?
Real easy. Shopping, shopping and more shopping!
But I'd like to add a twist to this idea.
Let's call it an educational opportunity.
Why not have a guy's night in? That is, while you're shopping, why
not have the man in your life do the post-Thanksgiving evening meal?
Sure, he'll probably serve leftover turkey,but it's for a good cause.
Here's the educational part; if he doesn't cook now, he'll have an easy meal
on which to begin his chef experience. If he's already a good cook, he'll do
something really amazing with yesterday's turkey.
Either way, the lady of the house will get a well deserved break.


Tracy Deebs said...

I had a blast shopping, Stella. And while my honey didn't have dinner wiating when I got home, he did babysit the kids all day so that I didn't have to drag them from store to store. So, though he's no chef, the guy in my life is still pretty special;)

Roz Denny Fox said...

Hi Stella,
I decided not to hit the stores on Black Friday, so I didn't help the economy one bit. I stayed home and took down my Thanksgiving decorations and put up the beginnings of Christmas. Enjoyed hot spiced tea and dug out Christmas tunes. But, my husband would have cooked. He doesn't do fancy stuff, but has always pitched in. I think his mother raised him right for which I'm eternally grateful.

Merri said...

Finally logged in. No shopping here. My grandfather was the cook in my dad's family. My grandmother, however, did two things---homemade New Brunswick Stew with chicken from scratch and the Thanksgiving meal for lots of generations of family. Over Thanksgiving holidays I used to visit my grandparents (across the street) and read a lot even days after the day. Then I spent so much of my life at schools far away that for me the Thanksgiving was a quiet time to read, study in a relaxed atmosphere before the final exam period and become closer friends with dorm mates, more so than during the times school was in session. I never thought about if before your blog but it makes sense why when I think of Thanksgiving I usually think of a quiet, reflective, rejuvenating time.