Friday, August 17, 2007

True love, Everlasting Love

It's a joy to be among this fine group of writers who tell such wonderful stories. And to be a part of this new blog.

Love, in the beginning, is filled with wonder and excitement. A glow surrounds the happy pair. The real world is somewhere over there--set apart where it can't intrude. But the real world has a habit of muscling in and creating complications to test the bonds that hold the couple together.

To me, true love--Everlasting Love--should have its own special glow brighter than that of new love. The couple has earned it!


Liz Fielding said...

Great new blog, guys. I hope the books get to the UK soon.

Tracy Deebs said...

Thanks, Liz!

Ginger Chambers said...

Hope so, too, Liz. The more countries around the world the merrier! The appeal of this concept is universal.

Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to come back!
